SEGA analysis- VSO Kenya

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Kenya contracted the African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) to undertake an integrated Social Exclusion and Gender Analysis (SEGA) in 11 counties for the Deliver Equitable and Sustainable Inclusive Family Planning Program (DESIP) in Kenya. VSO Kenya, planned

Utafiti Sera

The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) in collaboration with the African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) implemented the project, “Research- Policy Community (Utafiti Sera) on social protection in Kenya”. Utafiti Sera represents a community of


Protecting the Living while Honoring and Dignifying the Dead By Dr Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo Since the emergency of COVID-19, Kenyans have been confronted with a lot of guidance from the Government on how to limit exposure to the virus. Kenyans

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