Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Kenya contracted the African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) to undertake an integrated Social Exclusion and Gender Analysis (SEGA) in 11 counties for the Deliver Equitable and Sustainable Inclusive Family Planning Program (DESIP) in Kenya. VSO Kenya, planned to undertake an integrated Social Exclusion and Gender Analysis (SEGA) in 19 counties between October and November, for Deliver Equitable and Sustainable Inclusive Family Planning programme (DESIP) in Kenya. The objective of the DESIP was to increase more equitable and sustainable access to modern contraceptives in Kenya, specifically up to 322,000 additional users, with a focus on adolescents, persons with disabilities and poor rural women in Kenya. 

In line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to promote universal sexual and reproductive health and rights, the programme also sought to contribute to a world in which every mother can enjoy a wanted and healthy pregnancy and childbirth, every child can survive beyond their fifth birthday, and every woman, child and adolescent can thrive to realize their full potential, resulting in enormous social, demographic, and economic benefits. The program was expected to ensure that women can safely plan their pregnancies and improve their sexual and reproductive health (SRH), particularly the young and marginalized.

Social Exclusion and Gender Analysis (SEGA) aimed to enable community members, partners, and other stakeholders to understand and articulate the drivers of social exclusion and gender inequality that marginalize and impoverish people in their specific contexts and in the wider system in which they live. It involved reflecting on and mapping the systems of social exclusion and gender inequality and being clear about how they relate to the marginalization and impoverishment of people. Apart from identifying and engaging marginalized populations, SEGA was meant to ensure the populations and other stakeholders assess where they believe most effective changes/interventions can be made.
The SEGA project aimed to strengthen programming and interventions, to understand the context better, to help institutions avoid making incorrect assumptions, to help institutions understand better the relationship between empowerment and exclusion; and informs the choice of institutions, processes, and thematic areas to prioritize. The project was carried out in 19 counties in Kenya namely: Migori; Homabay; Kajiado; Narok; Kwale; Mombasa; Kilifi; Lamu; Marsabit, Isiolo; Samburu; West Pokot; Elgeyo Marakwet; Baringo; Turkana; Mandera; Wajir; Garissa and Tana River.

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