The African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) closely worked with the Centers for Diseases Control prevention (CDC), World Health Organization Africa (WHO-AFRO) and Baringo County department of health in implementing this initiative. This was done in two phases whereby phase I of the study was done in 2016 in two study sites Eldama Ravine town and Torongo in Koibatek Sub County: Chemolingot and Nakoko in Tiaty Sub County. This was a formative study with participatory elements borrowing and adapting from the Community Action Model (CAM model), a methodology designed to build communities’ capacity to address public health concerns through active engagement of community members. Phase II was conducted in 2020 in Tiaty Sub County, Silale and Ribkwo wards. The overall goal of the study was to the strengthen confidence in Tetanus Toxoid (TT)-containing vaccine among male heads of households and influential community leaders.