The Institute has been involved in social development work in Kenya since 2007, more so in the areas of social protection and social assessments. Its involvement has been in strategic direction, policy, research, and programming. The technical staff members have many years of experience on social development issues, specifically on environment and social analysis, social protection, organizational development, and poverty analysis. Some of the notable milestones include the AIHD being contracted by the World Bank in 2012 and 2013 to conduct an Environmental Social Systems Assessment (ESSA), which was part of the GoK’s Program for Results (PforR) for social protection, the AIHD was a key partner in the Review of Social Protection in Kenya that was undertaken by the then Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030, the Institute was also contracted to develop the Kenyan harmonized targeting methodology for the Inua jamii programme.

AIHD provided technical support under the International Training Programme (ITP) on Social Protection for Sustainable Development. The ITP is a joint programme between the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) and Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Public Employment Service, and was financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The aim and overall objective of the ITP is a long-term and sustainable contribution to a more inclusive and equal society, by improving the function of the social protection systems that tackle poverty, vulnerability, inequality (both gender and economic) and exclusion while strengthening delivery of inclusive social development, productive employment, and equitable economic growth.

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