The Center for Global Health hosted the ADOPT’s social science study  mid-term workshop in Munich, from the 13th to the 16th of June. To put into context: ADOPT is an implementation research program dealing with preparation to introduce a novel child-friendly formulation of praziquantel (150mg) into schistosome endemic communities. It revolves around a multidisciplinary effort (private-public sector, academic and governmental institutions, pharmaceutical and non-governmental).

Joined by some of our partners from the social science study (Work Package / WP 1); social mobilization (WP 2); and implementation (WP 4), the workshop aimed at the following: (1) discuss PhDs and papers progress of the PhD students; (2) discuss  ADOPT protocol and methodology development for the next phase of implementation – the pilot; (3) and brainstorm about the sustainability of the program.

Our four-day mid-term meeting was graced by partners from respective institutions: from Munich (Dr. Isabelle Lange, Lisa Reigl, Prof. Dr. Dr. Andrea S. Winkler, Dianne V.), and from Kenya / AIHD (Dr. Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, Alice Sinkeet and Janet Masaku – KEMRI).

During the meeting the participating PhD students presented their research topics and plans for further analysis. This also served as an opportunity for the students to receive feedback from the senior program partners. We also had online participants joining the PhD session: Prof. Stella Neema and Maxson Anyolitho from Makerere University (Uganda), Phyllis Isaiah from Swiss TPH, as well as Djouquou Alexise Gnahore and Prof. Alain Toh from l’Université Félix Houophouët-Boigny (Côte d’lvoire).

On Thursday, Dr. Nora Monnier (Swiss TPH) and Ashley Preston (Unlimit Health) from other work packages of the program joined the meeting to facilitate a lively discussion about the pilot-implementation of the child-friendly drug including indicators to be measured, followed by the planning of the next steps. Dr. Eveline Hürlimann (Swiss TPH) and Prof. Stella Neema (Makerere University) engaged in the discussions and subsequent planning online.

We are very grateful that we had the chance to personally knit teamwork and collaboration more intensively, to make sure the project stayed on track and chart a clear way forward in terms of next steps. ADOPT is vital to ensuring the targeted communities are informed about the new drug in the most effective way, which is a prerequisite for the parent’s decision to have the novel drug administered to their children under five. The evaluation of the upcoming pilot implementation brings again the opportunity to review the information campaign for parents as well as the medication administration procedures, and to identify any other obstacles. The ADOPT program will catalyze change in currently endemic communities, enabling a healthier settlement for the children. We look forward for more updates to come!

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