AIHD through the leadership of the Ministry of Health (MoH) through Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBNTDs) is the implementing partner for a project termed “ARISE 2” that aims to eliminate and control STH/SCH and Onchocerciasis in Kenya. This is a 3.5-year project that will focus on the elimination of four (4) main NTDs in Kenya: Schistosomiasis (SCH); Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH); Onchocerciasis and Trachoma. STH/SCH activities will include national granular mapping in 37 counties, treatment and surveillance. Onchocerciasis activities will entail mapping, formative assessment, social mobilization and completion of an elimination certification dossier. Trachoma interventions will augment the MoH efforts by filling the gaps in facial cleanliness and environmental improvements. Cross-cutting activities under the project include BCC, WASH, capacity building, integration, M&E, innovation and strengthening of supply chain management. This project will leverage on-going interventions, innovations, best practices and lessons learnt while paying attention to ARISE 2 , National and WHO guidelines and principles. It will also involve high level advocacy across the country with a view to raising awareness and domestic resource mobilization.